Yoga Inbound - Tours to India.

Dear Visitor, please let us introduce ourselves... We belong to a Bhakti-Yoga-School in Berlin and whilst living out our dreams and ideals we were carried to many places around the planet. We would like to invite everybody to take part in our programs, giving you the opportunity to meet extraordinary people in extraordinary locations. The Inbound Yoga Club is a place where our conciousness can evolve, a place where you are always welcome.
Swami Paramadvaiti has been living the Bhakti Yoga way of life for over 35 years and throughout his lifetime has opened up countless projects, ashrams and yoga centres. He developed the system of Inbound Yoga to give to everybody a holistic and individual way of approaching yoga and spirituality through a number of diverse and interesting techniques. On our tours we will visit some of these centres and we'll have the opportunity for intense practice, to discover unique ways of living and, most importantly, discover ourselves ...
Pati (Thomas Fiedler) will be your german and english speaking tour guide and is the chairman of the Inbound Yoga Tours. He will assure your trip to be an unforgetable one, so remarkable that you'll not want to come back home! In Germany, he offers the wellness seminar"VIsions & Movement", currently the only one of its kind.
Mohini (Elizabeth Lopez Osorio) has been practicing Bhakti Yoga for 14 years and has opened several centres in South America, emphasizing mainly on women's community work and spiritual refuge. Her warm and affectionate character, experience and maturity in social interaction makes her the ideal tour guide, specialising on South America.
Bhagavatamrita (Benjy Munro) has lived in Ecuador for many years and runs his own yoga centre "Tulasi Yoga School". He is the route planner and specialized tour guide for South America. He will teach yoga, especially advanced asanas, and lead the expeditions into Ecuador's diverse jungle. For five years he managed our wonderful yoga retreat "Vrindavan Jardin Ecologico" situated in Rio Negro.
Gourkeshava lives in Vrindavan (India) and has been leading several temple projects for many years. He is the route planner for our Indian tours. Besides this he is also responsable for the organisation of the Vrinda book store, the Vaishnava Academy (the leading institution in spreading the Bhakti Yoga philosophy) and the central Inbound Tours office in India. He is currently running the website
Vamsi (Waldemar Konrad Hartlaub) practices Yoga for more than 25 Years and developed his own style, called Aqua Yoga. As a musician he is known as Conny Hard and performs worldwide with Bhajan and Mantra Meditation combined with elements derived from Rock and Pop. He speaks five languages and visited all continents of Earth. He lived in Ecuador for the last 10 years where he founded several ashrams and yoga centers for international Inbound School of Yoga. Since 2009 he is a member of the Inbound Yoga Club e.V. and works for us as tour guide and yoga teacher.