Rebecca McAuley
Kinesiologist from Melbourne
I would highly recommend to anyone a treatment with Druva. I had a massage and reiki combined session and felt beautifully relaxed afterwards. He is a natural healer and gives of his love and energy unconditionally..
Druva, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude for the warmth and hospitality that you showed me during my stay at Ecotruly Eco Village. You are a truly amazing soul and I feel blessed to have met you. You immediately made me feel at ease - when I was new to a strange place. I have many fond memories from my stay at Eco truly and learn so much from you. Hopefully I can return someday.
Druva, I wish you well.. !
Yoga Instructor
Deborah, UK

United States
Druva, you are a true angel. I entered your studio a complete mess but after your amazingly powerful reiki and chakra balancing session I left feeling reborn, reconnected with my true self and feeling incredibly light and balanced. I cant thank you enough. You are blessed with an incredible talent and I can not wait t ...o return for another session. Gracias amigo!!!! :)
Namaste. ---
Sarah Melbourne

I visited Cusco to trek the Inca trail. I arrived a few days earlier and spent my time wandering around the beautiful streets and breathing in the mountain air. On every street corner women were handing out leaflets advertising massages, some ridiculously cheap. I didn't indulge in a massage at this time as I thought this treat would be better enjoyed on my return from the trek through the Andes. Sure enough, a week later, after trekking 45k through the Andes, my body was crying out for a massage. A friend of mine had previously visited Peru and had given me the name and number of Druva. On her recommendation, I decided to visit Druva and get my massage with him.
Druva was slightly more expensive than some of the very cheap deals being canvassed on the street corners, but from speaking to other travelers, and from my own experience, i am very glad I paid the extra money. I had an hours massage with Druva. Before the massage he asked whether I had any particular areas that were causing problems. Unfortunately I have had lower back pain for some time and also suffer from very knotted shoulders. Druva worked on me for an hour. The results were fantastic. I could feel him locate each knot and work it out. He was thorough and firm, just what I needed. After the massage, Druva, helped me stretch. We had already discussed how I liked my massages, I'm not one for a light handed touch. i said I wanted a deep tissue massage and this is what I got, although I'm sure Druva could apply a light touch too, if this is what I wanted. The only drawback of my massage is that I had it at the center, next time, I would take advantage of the call out service - that way I could remain in my lovely state of relaxation without having to trudge back up the hill to my hotel!

Laura Christie
from England
Thank you so much for a great yoga class and a an amazing massage! It was the perfect preparation for a five day trek to Machu Pichu. I would definitely recommend this place.
Orpheo H. Cassady
I met Druva in the EcoTruly Park near Lima. I immediatly felt comfortable with him, and soon discover that he was also very interresting to talk with. He did a reiki session to me and it was an amazing experience. I felt good about myself and the present, somehow spiritualy risen. I would probably never forget it :) Im really glad I met such a wonderful spirit as Druva and hope our path will cross again at some point. Cheers my friend.
Brian H.
from Canada
Hi Druva,