Healing with Sound: An Interview with Christine M. Grimm

Published: February 20, 2010
Source: Santa Barbara Independent
Location: United States (California)

As I drove through the morning rain to meet Christine Grimm in her cozy cottage in Montecito, I was picturing a standard sit-down interview: me asking the questions, her answering them. Instead, in the two hours I spent with her, I found myself drumming, dancing, speaking into a voice analysis microphone, “toning” my voice to RA frequencies, and experiencing the healing harmonies of tuning forks. At the end of the session, I had the opportunity to ask this sound healing pioneer some questions about her practice.


Cusco Healing Center

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Email: cuscotherapies@aol.com
Phone: (84) 974-292 739 (84) 974-287069
*We offer in-home services for your convenience. If you prefer the service in your hostel, we can bring all equipment and music to set up. Peru