The Yoga of Love, the purpose of our existence - Bhakti Yoga

My dear friend, friend of my soul, I invite you to meditate with me today. Let us travel deep inside and discover our true nature which is the spirit soul. Rejoicing in the fact that we are conscious, that we are units capable of embracing our surrounding, embracing our existence, embracing our ability to love and help. Brother or sister, we are connected by an amazing bond of spiritual strength networking throughout the ages into eternity. you are in this body made from the elements, earth, water, fire, air and ether. All these components of your body are directed by the presence of the soul. They interact so incredibly sophisticated that even what is happening within one of your cells is more sophisticated than the entire installations of water, electricity, or telephones in a big city. So is the working of matter, so is the sophistication of life when matter comes in contact with it. In this way as you have billions of cells interacting, coordinating with each other while you are thinking of other things these things go on continuously. You are taking notice that there are many others around you who are in the same condition of matter surcharged with spirit in action.

But then you also witness that these bodies gradually dwindle. That old age sometimes diseased is announcing unavoidable death of matter alone. You have to identify yourself as the soul, as the real divine consciousness which is in this world of matter( incompatibly made temporarily compatible until the physical body dies) and you will leave this body with the memory of the accumulated activities which you conducted while you're inside of the physical coil. Your body will be buried or burned and as soon as your consciousness leaves this body it has no more value for anybody. Just for those who are attached to your body like you were attached to your body they may feel that the memory of you will be intensified by creating a shrine or a grave where your body or your ashes are kept with a little plaque. While you are gone far into your future. Networking again according to what you did in this lifetime, whatever future is awaiting you will correspond to what you did, Just like our print life corresponded from the moment of birth to what happened to us previously to coming into this world. this is our condition and we have to learn our lesson which is very pleasant to note because it is the positive message of an existence within the one and only purpose of life which is love. Whatever sadness that you may have experienced is only the absence of love because surcharged by love even painful situations can become delightful.

Oh lord divine allow me to become and instrument of your divine purpose. I say divine because matter confines us to physical existence but love is above the physical conditioning if it is real. Otherwise it is lust or sentimentality, longing for the impossible, like the eternal existence of physical matter in any of its forms. Longing for knowledge while you are in ignorance, and acting in such a way that you will stay in ignorance. Longing for joy while you create illusions and confusions. Longing for health and longing for wealth. all of these are just like stars which appear temporarily in the sky and vanish from your sight. So what is the message to rejoice? It is the powerful potentiality of love which you have inside of you. This love is not mundane. This love is not a reason to be ashamed this love is great and just needs to connect with its origin and original purpose. Within that love to the infinite each and every unit in his creation gets his appropriate share of your love. Yes I am very small and my love can not arch out to all, but whenever and wherever this divine love descents into me and allows me to share, to ignite to animate, to dry the tears, to answer the doubts of everybody and lift him up towards his positive potential participation in the symphony of love, then such a moment is the highest meditation. It is the sea samadhi, the consciousness of love where you can sustain your existence for ever.

You don't need to doubt the glory of your existence. It is just when you do things which are not glorious that you repent and change form activity to the other because you have not accepted love to be the supreme goal, and dominating element of any relationship. Loving those who are below you suffering means to relieve them, loving those who are next to you in similar conditions creates bonds of friendships which sustain us in every difficulty. And loving those who are highly advanced who are great examples of love and spirituality and justice, they can instruct you, they can correct you, they can guide you, they can illuminate you and thus our love for them can always sustain yourself with hope.

This world is an incredible adventure for discovering the uniqueness of the real power of the soul which is love divine. Yes you can be a great painter, a great mathematician, maybe you are a great architect or a doctor who can find out very quickly what is wrong with others and cure them, but the doctor of the should is the greatest friend of all. (song) Doctor of the soul, master of the mind, your precious benediction is very hard to find. you make it very easy for all to understand. Your mercy knows no boundary, your kindness has no end."

Some way or another we have to reach the realm where love is being distributed profusely to the needy, whether relationships are real, and where the matter at its decaying story has not so much influenced to diminish the glory of your existence for ever and your service to the divine which will lead you to the realm of the divine as well. Nevertheless, now confined in the physical body and throated by its diverse suffering situations we need to understand one thing that matter belongs to spirit, that means your money belongs to spiritual purpose of life and love, your house must be a sanctuary. Your family must be a rejoice of sharing wisdom with them. Your work must be a type of worship of the divine plan of the lord. Your mind must be absorbed in the message of kindness you have received. Your intelligence should serve the purpose of the true unity of mankind and the caring nature of Mother Earth and the animals. Your land which is sustaining you by kindness must be kept clean of all chemicals and must be attended to with organic fertilizers produced by the animals which are protected. It's time to be a careful observer of your surroundings and make sure that nothing negative emanates from you. On the contrary that you may diminish and heal the negativity which comes form those who are ignorant of their higher purpose of life.

Eternal duty of my soul. Eternal desire to be with you, to serve you and to love all of those who are yours. This is the precious conclusion of all philosophical thoughts together.

Friend of my soul, do not despair and never give up. The path towards your goal, your heart is fixed upon. Many temptations will try to sidetrack you, disturb you, confuse you, destroy your beautiful understanding by such elements such as frustration, depression, uncertainty. But all of this you can overcome in the association of those who are moving ahead of you into the right direction, those who practice austerities, those who practice charity, those who study the mystic traditions and share the wisdom with others. Those who make sacrifice for the welfare of the world, who are activists of higher consciousness. This is the real life to be rejoiced and to make sure that those who are under your care will learn so that they too can rejoice in their life, the treasure of love divine.

Love divine is a mission. Love divine is a tool. Love divine is the goal. Love divine is the medicine to heal us from our pains and sorrows. Love divine is light of wisdom. Love divine is feeling the emotions which surcharge our heart with the sanity of the call to the higher worlds of love. Love divine is the most precious jewel, and it has been given to you in potential, that you may join, embraced it, absorb it, and distribute it. A mission of life is a mission of love. When you are really eager to make everyone happy you will not even know what is unhappiness.

This is the teaching of the saintly people who have come into this world in different mystical traditions to invite all souls to the realm of dedication. To stay far away form exploitation, as well as indifference towards the pangs and sorrows of others.

Brother of my soul, sister, be strong you are not black or white, you are not male or female. You are not intelligent or dumb, and you are not beautiful or ugly. You are simply divine. And that goes beyond all limitations and conditioning which may have you captured by your learning period. Each and everyone is in this body in its learning period, to learn what is love divine. You don't need to learn anything else, because if you do learn what is love divine, you will have already learned what you are supposed to learn what you came for to this world. It is an invitation to the eternal realm. Coming once into existence we never cease to be. Now we are here and we are concerned and our mission is love. To thread the past of love to the goal of love. And this is not a confusion or an illusion. It is what has been revealed to all of humanity by those who were lovers of all. By those who knew what the love inspiration can produce. And what lofty heights can be reached in the realm of love. So now it is up to you to take advantage of these words of mine and to go on the path of love and to make your mission so wonderful that all around you will simply rejoice the day you understood that love is all in all and that you are the friend of all. Because the origin of everything which exists is exactly what we need to understand the purpose of our existence. Just like you may consider that the origin of everything is the cause of our glorious existence, it is the meaning. You are wonderful, but separate from him, separate from the original powerhouse of all you are a lost soul, blown away by the wind into the most different destinations of this world. Always searching for certainty and reality, for the truth, for the law, for love. And even if two or three of us come together we are still three incomplete units, and we can not substitute for each other what is missing from him or her.

What makes us complete is love divine which originates from the powerhouse of love, and this is your connection which makes your existence completely fulfilled, it gives you a fantastic task to accomplish. I am not minimizing your importance, I just point out that as a separate unit, ignorant of its origin and ignorant of what the real treasure of life is. In the absence of loving relations with others, you are just not great enough, not complete enough, and of course not happy at all. So uniting with the goal is the truth of yoga, uniting in love with love divine. These are not empty words. These are tangible achievements which transform your existence into lovingly be willing to serve. With great efforts that the one and only goal to make others happy by giving them a connection with the power house as well.

If you want to make others happy just by giving them money, fancy clothes, vacations, what o speak of drugs and sex, this is just contempt by the very experience of our life. Billions of example serve to prove that nobody will ever be happy by any amount of money, or by any amount of drugs or sexual experience. What our soul is longing for, my friend, is lofty and pure. Full of gratefulness and compassion. The healing of your soul will take please when you connect the natural transcendence which you are a part of anyway. You are that which is invited to the eternal realm. Not even physical mountains, and entire planets are invited into the spiritual realm, but you spirit soul, you are invited.

So if you give up this idea of wanting to be the center of all, and of substituting the origin of love in you feeble attempt to become important, then you start to qualify by understanding this message of love. You are great, but you are not the center. You can be sweet, but you are not the sweetest. You can be beautiful, but you are not the most beautiful. You can be powerful, but you are not the most powerful. You can have knowledge, but you wont know it all. You will always depend on the original loving source which is so generous that it is willing to make you an instrument of his love. Take advantage my friend, don't let it go, don't return to the illusory worlds of shinning bottles which charm the eyes, and take them to disgrace, by smoking, drinking and doing so much nonsense in the world of matter.

Nothing material can give you the eternal love of the spiritual realm, only a gift from above will be able to bring you there. That is the fate which is being given into your heart. To go the path towards transcendence and love and to leave behind this silly world of cheating our selves and others.

And specially in the moment when you life is coming to an end. When you are about to give up this mortal coil, under the diverse conditions by which this make take place. If at that time you can not embrace your spirit and love divine you will simply return to be confined again according to the actions you performed in this life into another place, into another experience which is nothing but a continuation of the same story. Learn to love, or suffer a diverse variety of ignorances and confusions which produced yourself when you wanted to project love into matter and make yourself the center of it.

Thank you so much for listening to these words. And I hope you will be blessed to be able to apply them to your existence.

Srila B.A. Paramadvaiti Swami Maharaj
Vrindavan, India